by Joe Nittoly | Mar 2, 2023
Illustration Mysk Concept Art Concept art of a “rogue” for LoreFolke, an upcoming tabletop roleplaying game I’m developing in which the players take the roles of faery-sized adventurers in an oversized forest realm. This character is an example of...
by Joe Nittoly | Aug 7, 2022
Illustration Mark Wood, Face This is an illustation of the Face player-character from my NearFuture play-test campaign. A Face is a persuasive, charismatic individual whose skills focus on convincing, inspiring, delighting and manipulating people. He’s the...
by Joe Nittoly | Jun 8, 2022
Illustration Medtech This is one concept of a Medtech for NearFuture Shard City, a modern/sci-fi rules set and campaign setting. Specifically this is a Trauma Medic (one of the Medtech class options) which is basically a high-tech rogue...
by Joe Nittoly | Oct 16, 2020
Pose Thumbnails Detail Sketch Lines and Colours Illustration Shadowrun Dwarf Fixer This Shadowrun dwarf fixer character was commissioned as a gift for the player who created him and has played him for more than a decade. I don’t draw fantasy...
by Joe Nittoly | Apr 11, 2020
Pose Thumbnails Description of body language body type… [pose thumbnails] Detail Sketch Description of details, influences, etc… [detail sketch] Lines and Colours Description… [colour scheme] Illustration Adventuring Party Ensemble These four...