by Joe Nittoly | Dec 30, 2016
Illustration Captain Marvel I did this portrait of Captain Marvel for my wife as a Christmas present. My geekiness has rubbed off on her over the years, so much so that she has been asking me for a series of superhero portraits to replace the still life fruit pictures...
by Joe Nittoly | Jul 29, 2014
Illustration Ryuko Matoi This is my take on the heroine of the frenetic Anime series Kill la Kill. I was inspired to draw her while watching the first episode, and though I grew somewhat weary of the manic comedy style of the series overall, something about...
by Joe Nittoly | Jul 14, 2014
Illustration Fangirl-zilla Redux Fangirlzilla is a playful mascot I invented to represent the growing popularity and unapologetic celebration of geek culture fandom today, from cosplay to video games to comic books to general science-fiction and fantasy. Her look is a...