D&D 5e 3rd-Level Pre-generated Character Sheets
D&D 5th Edition 3rd-Level Characters
- D&D 5e / Barbarian 3 (Berserker) / Half-Orc / Outlander (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Barbarian 3 (Totem Warrior) / Human / Outlander (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Bard 3 (College of Lore) / Human / Entertainer (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Bard 3 (College of Swords) / Tabaxi / Courtier (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Cleric 3 (Tempest Domain) / Dwarf / Acolyte (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Cleric 3 (Trickery Domain) / Tiefling / Faction Agent (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Druid 3 (Circle of Dreams) / Firbolg / Acolyte (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Druid 3 (Circle of the Land) / Firbolg / Acolyte (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Druid 3 (Circle of the Moon) / Elf / Hermit (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Fighter 3 (Champion) / Goliath / Outlander (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Fighter 3 (Champion) / Human / Soldier (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Fighter 3 (Eldritch Knight) / Human / Outlander (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Fighter 3 (Eldritch Knight) / Wild Elf / Knight of the Order (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Fighter 3 (Samurai) / Tiefling / Knight of the Order (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Monk 3 (Open Hand) / Human / Guild Artisan (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Monk 3 (way of the Elements) / Human / Acolyte (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Paladin 3 (Oath of Devotion) / Dragonborn / Acolyte (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Ranger 3 (Hunter) / Half-Elf / Outlander (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Ranger 3 (Monster Slayer) / Human / Hermit (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Rogue 3 (Arcane Trickster) / Human / Entertainer (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Rogue 3 (Scout) / Human / Outlander (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Rogue 3 (Swashbuckler) / Tabaxi / Sailor (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Rogue 3 (Thief) / Halfling / Urchin (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Sorcerer 3 (Storm Sorcery) / Half-Elf / Sailor (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Warlock 3 (Pact of the Fiend) / Human / Sage (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Warlock 3 (Pact of the Tome) / Tiefling / Charlatan (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Wizard 3 (Enchanter) / Gnome / Sage (PDF)
- D&D 5e / Wizard 3 (War Magic) / Dark Elf / Mercenary Veteran (PDF)
NEW Steampunk Characters for D&D 5e
I made these pre-gen character sheets for a Steampunk-themed one-shot adventure. They use unmodified PHB core classes with their class names, features and spells simply reworded for a Steampunk setting. (I even made card stock minis to go with them.) The only additional rules added are for firearms, which are largely as per the DMG, but with damage adjusted to be consistent with the other 5e weapons.
These pre-generated character sheets are and will always remain free. If you find them useful, however, and wish to make a donation to support my work, that would be greatly appreciated.
Want to make your own pre-gen character sheets in the this format?
If you have Adobe Illustrator (or something that can work with .ai files), go ahead and download my pre-gen character sheet template .