About Me

A photo of Joe Nittoly in Algonquin Park's interior.

Joe in Algonquin Park’s backcountry. (September 2023)

I’m an artist, illustrator and graphic designer with a particular passion for the mythical and the fantastic. I’ve been working in a digital medium since 2011 with a stylus and a tablet, in a variety of styles. All of my artwork is hand-drawn.

As a lifelong fan of Dungeons & Dragons and similar tabletop roleplaying games, I’m also a game designer currently working on my first title, LoreFolke: Epic-sized Adventures for Faery-sized Heroes, which is due to release in Summer 2026.

When I’m not working in my home studio, I’m running tabletop roleplaying games, practicing martial arts, biking, hiking or venturing solo into Algonquin Park’s backcountry to occasionally get away from it all. I live, work and play in Richmond Hill, Ontario (Canada).

Want to know more about me?

Check out this interview by friend and voice talent, Jodi Krangle.